{Blogspiration:} Compare Two Solutions (And Make Sure Yours is Better!)

A great way to introduce (or reintroduce, or re-reintroduce) your product or service to your readers is to compare it to another solution on the market.

There are two ways to go about this.

First, you could describe the Other Solution as the worst thing ever, possibly evil, and definitely bad for puppies and small children.  You can rant and rave if that’s your thing, and create a supervillain for your peeps to hate.  That’s a legitimate way to go …

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Steal My Strategy for Brainstorming My Blog’s Editorial Calendar

It’s officially the beginning of the year (or even a little after!), and so I’ve been spending the last week or so blogstorming my own editorial calendars for my blogs for the next six months.

But wait a second, you say, didn’t you tell us a while back to keep our blog posts timely?

Yup.  I sure did.  But here’s what I didn’t say: Not all blog posts should be about current events.  In fact, most of your content should be evergreen—the sort of thing people can look back through your archives and …

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5 Creative Ways to Brainstorm Blog Posts That Convert

Everybody who writes a business blog wants their blog posts to “convert.”

In other words, they want their readers to become customers.

But almost nobody brainstorms blog posts from that point of view.  Which is kind of bonkers, in my opinion.

In my experience, most small business bloggers are thinking about what they can write about instead of what they can write about that will convince their readers to become customers.

That’s actually a really big distinction.

Some readers become customers by accident… but do you want to rely on that?

It’s true: some people reading your blog …

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