Outstanding content, done for you,
and written in your voice?

Believe it.

Curious about our successful missions? Check out our case studies.

Your thought leadership, your voice —
without you having to write it.

Once you have your strategy in place, let us help you implement it.

We write blog posts, email newsletters, podcast show notes, guest posts and articles for other sites, social media captions, and more.

We capture your ideas and your voice — in the way that’s best for you:

  • Love to process verbally? Leave us Voxer messages with all your creative plans.
  • Like to outline or brain dump? Send us your messiest notes and we can organize and polish them into amazing content.
  • Need someone to drag the thought leadership out of you? We can interview you and ask the right questions to get the brilliance flowing.
  • Or, we can take existing podcasts, videos, course materials, book content, etc. and repurpose them into unique blog articles or emails.

Our basic retainer includes:

    • A custom marketing plan for your business.
    • One piece of content (500-1500 words) per week, ready to post or email.
    • A dedicated, professional writer who will become a “mini expert” in your brand voice and business.
    • Regular check-ins to ensure the content is helping you reach your goals.

Add all the bells and whistles.

Depending on your needs, we can add:

  • SEO research and optimization.
  • Additional emails to nurture your list.
  • Captions for your social media channels.
  • Additional copy (ie: ad copy, landing pages, etc.)

(Need full launch support? We got you, boo. Make an appointment and we can talk details.)

Gareth and Gail Dupres

Blessed to have you writing our content.

I have an overwhelming sense of appreciation for the work you do and reading your first draft of this article prompted me to send this email (and cc in Lacy).

Not only was I struggling to come up with the right angle for this article, but I was also finding it difficult to remember what the ideas behind this article were. I made a random collection of notes and ideas that I didn't really think painted the picture I wanted to with this article. As such, I was going to come back to put more ideas in but when I came to do that just now, I find myself reading something that spells out absolutely everything I wanted to say. All my initial ideas came flooding back — it was all written there!

I have no idea how you did that especially because I was convinced my notes were rubbish; the write up is perfect! Also, i have no idea how you do it on such a consistent basis. I wanted to take opportunity to express my gratitude. Genuinely feeling blessed to have you writing our content.

Deborah Englemajer

I've made room for things I couldn't do when she wasn't there.

I was panicking the other day. I was like "imagine I remove Karen" because now it's like I've made room for things I couldn't do when she wasn't there. And I'm like "oh my God, I could never not have a Karen".

Ready to get started?

It’s as easy as booking a time to have a conversation.

If you need assistance, please email redphone(at)lacyboggs.com and our team will be happy to help.

Curious about our successful missions? Check out our case studies.