Plan Better Content with a System

It’s hard to plan when you don’t have a system.

I’ve been in business for nearly 8 years now. At the end of 2019, I knew I wanted to get serious about making some plans and goals for 2020. Now, you’d think, after 8 years in business, that I’d be a pro at this sort of thing…


I didn’t really have a framework or a system that I liked. I’ve tried several (12 Week Year, 90 Day Year, and others) but nothing really stuck.

In fact, it got to the point where I started to think I was BAD at business planning and goal setting. 🙁

Then I remembered one I liked from when I was a baby entrepreneur: Amber McCue’s Planathon.

I participated in the free challenge and bought the workbook. And I actually sat down and filled it out. AND, even better than that, I actually revisited my plans at the end of January, did the debrief, and made a plan for February. AMAZING!

Turns out, I’m not bad at planning, I just needed a system that worked for me!

The same is true with a marketing plan, and this is where my Leadership Marketing theory comes in:

What is Leadership Marketing again?

Leadership Marketing is my theory that most business owners would do better NOT to follow a cookie-cutter marketing formula, but rather be leaders in their niche and come up with their OWN marketing plan.

That doesn’t mean you have to be a marketing guru — it just means that you are conscientious enough to pick and choose which marketing tactics will work best for your brand, your customers, and your niche.

leadership marketing diagram

Create your own Leadership Marketing Plan

That’s why my system is different from other marketing plan blueprints; it is FULLY customizable.

In fact, it works with ANY type of content:

  • blog posts
  • podcasts
  • videos
  • social media
  • email
  • whatever’s next!

And it can include any marketing tactics you might know work for your audience or want to try, including:

  • webinars
  • challenges
  • articles
  • videos
  • private groups
  • email marketing
  • outbound marketing
  • and more!

The point is, my system is a FRAMEWORK — it’s like the dress form a designer uses when she’s creating a new gown. It’s there for you to hang all your brilliant ideas on, but it doesn’t determine what the end product look like (other than that it’s dress-shaped, or in our case, smart marketing-shaped).

Curious how it all works?  Click here to learn more about our one-on-one services to develop your marketing plan from scratch.

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