
Editorial Calendar vs. A Blogging Schedule

Having an editorial calendar for my blog(s) has changed my life.

It used to be that I blogged as the inspiration struck.  Lots of people do this, and on the surface of it, there’s nothing wrong with that. I had a schedule I tried to stick to, posting every Monday and Wednesday, or whatever, and at first, that worked just fine. Then, there was one day that I forgot (read: procrastinated) to write my blog post until the night before, so I was up late pounding something out. And maybe it …

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The Other 80 Percent: Publicity Strategies for Blogs

You’ve written an amazing blog post.  I mean, it’s maybe some of the most epic stuff you’ve ever written. You made yourself cry. This blog post is literally going to change the world of anyone who reads it.

You hit publish.

Nothing happens.  For days.  Digital crickets.

“Is it me?” you wonder as you try not to refresh the page for the hundredth time, looking for a comment, a like, anything. “Maybe it wasn’t as good as I thought it was… Maybe I’m a terrible writer… Maybe I should just pack it all in and …

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