Brand Voice and the Power of Words: Syntax

There’s an old joke email that’s gone ’round the web about a zillion times (the kind of thing your quirky uncle — or in my case, my quirky father-in-law — still forwards you daily) that asks the question, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” and gives the answers of many favorite authors.  My favorite was always Ernest Hemingway:

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To die. In the rain.

Maybe I only think it’s funny because I had to do an excruciating term paper in high school English comparing …

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Brand Voice and The Power of Words: Diction

Consider these two sentences:

The pooch bounced up to her and kissed her face.
The cur launched itself at her and slobbered on her face.

They convey the exact same information—that a dog licked a woman—but they convey two very different emotional scenarios.

Words are powerful. The words you choose will subconsciously affect the way you and your customers feel about your business. In addition, if you subscribe to the concept of manifesting, the words you use can have a powerful effect on the things you bring into your business and your life.

When it …

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expert authority

How to Become a Trusted Authority

In the nascent stages of my first business, I attended a business conference here in Denver, led by a woman who would eventually become my de facto business coach (I say that because, while I’ve never participated in her high-end mastermind program, I go to all her conferences, and have used several of her infoproducts).

One of the keynote speakers was her accountability partner, a beautiful woman with a Southern drawl who spoke a bit like a revival preacher—probably because she is a business coach to spiritual leaders; in other words, she teaches …

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