Email is Still the One For Selling Online

A new study out shows that email, not Facebook or Twitter, is still crushing it in terms of converting readers to customers.

Can I hear a “DUH??”

But let’s step back for a second.

How do you get people to sign up for your emails?

Well, having a good opt-in offer is a good start—a free ebook, report, checklist, coupon, or other goodie that people can download in exchange for giving out their email address.  And that’s great; that gets your foot through the proverbial door and your messages into their email inbox.

But how …

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Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery: Which Blogs do You Admire?

Think about blogs you visit over and over again.  Think about brands you care enough about to be engaged with their social media. Think about other successful businesses reaching the audience you want to reach.

What do they have in common?
What do they do well with their blogs?  What topics do they cover?  How would you define their voice?
What do they do differently from other brands that may be less successful?

Studying what other people are doing successfully isn’t about …

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Case Study: How Much Content Should I Give Away for Free?

You hear it time and time again that you need to have a blog for your business, but what do you write about when you sell information products? How do you provide value on your blog without giving away all your best stuff for free?

It’s a question I got recently from a guy who sells courses on understanding your personality type:

I’m really struggling with thinking about blogging and writing about my products… I will be selling courses in personality type and self-discovery. I am not sure what you would do …

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