what is content marketing?

What IS Content Marketing, Anyway?

One of the biggest mistakes I see business owners make when blogging for their business is confusing blogging with a content marketing strategy.

It’s true that the two are inseparably related, but they’re also different, and it’s an important distinction that too many business owners don’t make.

Knowing the difference means the difference between a business blog that gets nothing but “digital crickets” and one that reaches all the right readers at the right time, generates leads for your business, and ultimately makes you more …

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how to write a blog post

How to Write a Blog Post Easily Every Time

When I ask people their biggest, most urgent frustration around blogging, most answer that actually writing the damn posts is their number 1 problem. So it makes sense that when you Google “How to write a blog post” there are lots of templates and frameworks and “5 simple steps” to tell you how to actually write a blog post.

And yet.  And yet…

I don’t think that’s what people are actually saying.

I believe what’s really going on is less a problem with their …

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How to Make Blogging a Regular, Natural Practice

A question I get asked a lot is how to make blogging a regular part of your business routine or to do list.  Honestly, the first few times I got asked this question, it flummoxed me.

Uh, you just… do it?

Writing is natural for me, but I quickly realized that it’s not natural for everyone. A lot of us come to business with other skills, and writing is one we have to hone and develop. It really is something that people have to work at — or else they don’t, and blogging …

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advanced blogging with a repurpose plan

Advanced Blogging: Creating Your UPcycling Plan

You’ve spent a lot of time and energy crafting an EPIC post. You’ve spent time researching, maybe reaching out to influencers, writing and rewriting, publishing and promoting this post.

Hopefully when you publish and promote, you get some good buzz happening.  Maybe it lasts for a week or so — two if you’re lucky.

Then what?

You spent hours of your time crafting this piece and now… it’s just going to languish on your blog getting buried further and further down, …

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