
Content is the Solution and the Problem: Solving the Content Paradox for Micro Businesses

The very thing most micro business owners believe will solve their marketing problems — creating more content — is actually holding them back from success.

Content is the solution and the problem.

As a micro business owner or solopreneur, you have a big idea. That’s almost certainly why you started your business.


But sometimes, it can be hard to communicate that big idea to your favorite customers.


Maybe you find that people don’t really understand what you do until after they work with you.


Maybe you struggle to articulate what you do and how you …

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Identify Your Blog Blocks and Stop Your Lead Leaks with a Content Web

If you’ve been in the online business world for more than a minute, I’m sure you’ve heard of a content funnel.

It typically looks like this:

You start with a piece of content that is interesting to your ideal customer
the call to action from that piece of content is to opt-in for a free resource
then they get into an email automation or a landing page that delivers the resource and explains the paid offer, with a call to action to learn more
which directs them either to a sales page or a sales …

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content upcycling for business

Your Old Marketing Content is Costing Your Business Money — Here’s How to Fix It

According to a survey conducted by ReferralRock, 94% of the expert marketers surveyed repurpose their content — do you?

Repurposed content saves time and money over creating all new content, serves up a higher ROI, and sends more leads and traffic to your business. You can use content you already have to create engaging, evergreen blog articles that will get you more traffic and leads to your business.

But let’s be real: it can feel like a real time suck and a hassle.

UNLESS you use my Upcycle Workflow that turns content …

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