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Ace Stone, Marketing Detective and the Case of the Missing Content has been brought to you by The Content Direction Agency in cooperation with the NextWave Radio Network.
Written and Produced by Lacy Boggs
Directed by Joe Cucinotti
Edited by Moises Gonzales
Lacy Boggs
as Ace Stone
Laura Jennings
as Olympia Werke
Jason Cox
as Rex Hackshaw
Andrea Cox
as Sienna Wonderly
Todd Carruth
as Christopher Duluth
Dylan Mobley
as Brad the Bro
Veronica Day
as Danielle the Assistant
Matthew Fisher
as Dick Lovegood
and Jessica Mehring
as herself
Tes Akinpelu
Ryan Burke
Ryan Jenkins
Tara Parks Jenkins
Sara Rankin
and Joe Cucinotti
Did you know…
The Content Direction Agency are some of the good guys in the marketing world? That’s right! Ace Stone trusts them to help citizen business owners — like yourself! — create sterling custom marketing plans and done-for-you content writing that doesn’t swindle, cheat, or bamboozle your audience.