Powerful content gets powerful results.

Get known to get paid.

Online business runs on content, but it’s gotten harder and harder to get noticed.

(This ain’t the 2010’s golden age of free organic traffic anymore!)

The key to getting noticed — and getting paid — with content is writing about your unique vision with a strong voice to create deep understanding and buy-in from your potential customers.

And you can achieve this with just a few tweaks to how you’re creating and sharing content today.

For the past dozen years, I’ve helped hundreds of small business owners create literally billions of words of content that resulted in millions of dollars of revenue; and over time, I noticed the difference between people whose content and message got noticed and those who remained unknown.

In other words, the difference between thought havers and thought leaders.

But I was starting to burn out.

I had a small content agency that was super successful on paper, but I was exhausted. And when the leads started drying up, I decided to shut everything down and start over. This time, I am going to do things my way.

I decided to build a lean, content-first business — and teach others to do the same.

I’ve taken my decade+ of marketing experience and award-winning writing skills and used it to develop the Content to Clients framework to help you identify your most powerful thought leadership ideas that set you apart; test and validate them quickly (and profitably) with a magnetized offer; and then turn the best ideas into a lean, profitable client-attraction funnel to get you known and paid for your best ideas.

And I believe that marketing support shouldn’t only be available to bigger businesses that have already hit seven figures. That’s why I created the Thought Leader Lab, where solopreneurs and micro business owners can get gold-standard marketing support at an affordable price and as part of a supportive community.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it…

Have more fun with your marketing.

If you want to make bank with your business, marketing is a necessity.

But it doesn’t have to be a drag, doll.

We help solopreneurs and micro business owners create content strategy that feels like a playground for your thought leadership.

Create content that attracts clients and puts a spotlight on you in a noisy industry.

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