Content Web Secrets: 
Identify the Holes in Your Content Web
so you can Optimize for Better Leads and Sales! 

JUST want to take the 5-Minute Content Web Audit? Click Here!

Are you drowning in content — blog posts, social media, emails, lead magnets, and sales pages, oh my! — but still not sure if it’s actually driving leads and sales for your business?

You’re not alone. Many online business owners are creating great content that is going completely unnoticed, leaving them still struggling to build an audience and make sales… until now!

In this training, Lacy Boggs will reveal the secret power of her Content Web strategy and 5-Minute Content Web Audit tool to help you identify gaps, optimize your content strategy, and boost leads and sales without burning yourself out.

Best part? You won’t have to create a single new piece of content – just leverage what you already have!

By the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Quickly detect missing pieces and optimization opportunities in your Content Web with your new secret weapon: The 5-Minute Content Web Audit.
  • Grasp the importance of connected content for generating leads and sales, so your content starts working for you.
  • Master the art of prioritizing tasks and leveraging focus to ensure your business is growing and thriving.

This talk is perfect for small business owners, consultants, coaches, course creators, authors, and other experts who want to maximize the impact of the content they already have and drive leads and sales with a solid, proven strategy.

Don't know where to start? Book a Free Consult Here:

Complete the Audit:

As you watch the training above, you can participate by completing the Audit below. When you submit the audit, you will receive your color-coded guide to your own personal content web via email within 5-10 minutes (check your spam folder if you don't see it!). In addition you will receive personal feedback from Lacy within 24-48 business hours! 

Want more help with your Content Web? Book a no-obligation consultation call to find out how The Content Direction Agency can help you create or optimize your Content Web!

Copyright 2023 The Content Direction Agency

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