The Case for Creating Long-Form Content For Your Business

I’ve been doing this online business thing for more than ten years now, and if I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard “blogging is dead” I could swim in them like Scrooge McDuck by now.

But it’s never actually been true, and it’s even less true today.

Blogging was hot when I got started in this industry, but it was quickly overtaken by the trend to use shorter and louder content on social media networks to market your business. Business coaches went from shouting, “Your business has to have a …

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Creating a Meow Wolf-Inspired Marketing Strategy

On our trip to Santa Fe a couple of weeks ago, we visited the original Meow Wolf. If you’re not familiar, Meow Wolf is an immersive and interactive art and story experience. There are locations in Santa Fe, Denver, and Las Vegas now. 

For example, the Santa Fe experience is called “House of Eternal Return,” and when you walk in, you literally see a two-story Victorian house complete with a wraparound porch, a TV on in the living …

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advanced blogging with a repurpose plan

Advanced Blogging: Creating Your UPcycling Plan

You’ve spent a lot of time and energy crafting an EPIC post. You’ve spent time researching, maybe reaching out to influencers, writing and rewriting, publishing and promoting this post.

Hopefully when you publish and promote, you get some good buzz happening.  Maybe it lasts for a week or so — two if you’re lucky.

Then what?

You spent hours of your time crafting this piece and now… it’s just going to languish on your blog getting buried further and further down, …

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Scary Facts About Blogging

Gather ’round the campfire, kids. Halloween is coming and I’ve got some spooooooooky tales to spin about the myths and scary facts about blogging that you may not want to hear…

(But you totally NEED to hear them, so pull up a flashlight and keep …

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